PET Speaking Part 2 – EnglishVillage.EU
A collection of English ESL Cambridge: Preliminary (PET) worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and English classes to teach about B1 Preliminary preparation | Cambridge English Free Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) exam preparation including sample papers, online practice tests and tips for your exam day. Skip to main content. View related sites Support materials include coursebooks and practice tests and include materials in both print and digital formats. PET Handbook, Sample Papers (Paper 1, Reading and Writing) PRELIMINARY ENGLISH TEST PAPER 1 Reading and Writing SAMPLE PAPER 1 1 hour 30 minutes Additional materials: Answer sheets Soft clean eraser Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended) TIME 1 hour 30 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page. FCE SPEAKING MATERIAL (VIDEOS AND PDF-FILES WITH … FCE SPEAKING MATERIAL (VIDEOS AND PDF-FILES WITH SAMPLE EXERCISES) Complete Speaking Sample with Explanations (Transcript) FCE Speaking Sample (Transcript) with ex. Adobe Acrobat Dokument 411.6 KB. Download. FCE Speaking Practice with Useful Vocabulary and Questions (Parts 2 & 4) FCE Speaking Practice Parts 2 and 4 (inc. Adobe Acrobat Dokument
In the PET Speaking Test, candidates are examined in pairs by two examiners. One of the plenty of classroom practice in both the language of description and carries 15 marks. PRACTICE TEST But anyone who's keen to play goes to jazz practice before school, and we PET Paper 3 Speaking Mark Sheet. 0. 0. 0. 3 Dec 2018 Practise with these PET Speaking Part 3 pictures and Part 4 prompts. always on the same topic, so it is a good idea to practice them together. 44. PAPER 3: Speaking. Tasks. 52. Preparing learners. 53. Sample paper and assessment. 58 More details can be found in our publication Principles of Good Practice, which Supervisor: PET Paper 2 Listening Candidate Answer Sheet. 0. Commentary on Cambridge English: Preliminary Speaking test: Leticia and Manuel. © UCLES 2012. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and Access Cambridge PET Speaking Sample Test 1 here to help you prepare and succeed in the Cambridge PET Exam. Your success starts at Greenwich English SPEAKING TEST PART 2. 01. Responding to visual prompts. (describing and interpreting a picture or a photograph, talking about likes and dislikes). Say to both
PET Speaking Part 2 – EnglishVillage.EU PET Speaking Part 2 In Part 2, the examiner describes a situation, and you and your partner talk about it for 2–3 minutes. The examiner gives you some pictures to help you, for example to make and respond to suggestions, make recommendations, ask for and give opinions, reach an agreement, etc. PET for Schools – Practice test – EnglishVillage.EU Apologies but the links below are no longer active PET for Schools Practice test Download a full PET for Schools Practice test with answer key, recording scripts and audio below. Download full test (PDF) Paper 1: Reading and Writing (PDF) Paper 2: Listening (PDF) Paper 3: Speaking – Examiner's script & visual materials (PDF) Answer… PET SPEAKING EXAM - E:\PET Speaking Exam advice sheet for tutorials.doc 2 PART 2 : SIMULATED SITUATION (2-3 minutes) In PART 2 you have to: Talk about a situation which is illustrated on a sheet of paper.Make suggestions and discuss alternatives.
B1 Preliminary preparation | Cambridge English
PET Speaking Test Practice. Just another site. Part 3 and 4. Part 3. For Part 3 the examiner will give you a colour photograph like the one below.You have to describe what you can see in the photograph. The examiner then gives your partner a different colour photograph to describe. 936 FREE Speaking Worksheets - Busy Teacher FREE Speaking Worksheets. Learning to speak a new language is definitely a challenge. It’s very difficult for your students to do if they don’t practice on a regular basis. Luckily, you need to look no further because has the tools to help your students practice their speaking - and want to do it, too! Let’s face it PET Practice Tests, grammar and vocabulary (Cambridge ... Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) The Preliminary English Test, corresponds to level A2-B2 of the Common European Framework and is provided by Cambridge English Language Assessment . All four skills of Writing, Reading, Speaking and Listening are assessed, each … B2 First (First Certificate in ... - ESL Lounge Student On this page, you will find example speaking tests to help you prepare for the Speaking part of the First Certificate exam. The speaking section is divided into four parts and involves both speaking alone and speaking with another candidate. Cambridge B2 First (FCE) Speaking - Example Test One Studying / Eating out / Problems on holiday.